If the early bird gets the worm, how early does the worm have to wake up?
On weekdays, I wake up at 4:30 am so that I can go to the gym to get some exercise before I go to school. Yes, I am one of those crazy people that you hear about that are at the gym right when it opens. However, I am not as crazy as most of the people there. I have early morning bible study at 6, so I really only get about 45 mins of exercise where as many of the other crazy morning people have an hour and a half in the least.
This morning was not a weekday, but for some reason I woke up earlier than I normally do. I was wide awake and there was no way I was going to fall back asleep. I wondered to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast for my family. It is not everyday that you have a surprise for your family.
I had a few little set backs while I was cooking, such as, not having buttermilk or a whisk. But I was not going to stop. I diligently searched and before long I found a buttermilk recipe and a whisk. I started to whisk to my hearts content. I guess that my heart wanted to make the egg whites fluffy more than my arm because after 10 minutes of whisking, my arm was killing me. The eggs were whisked, but not quite peaking.
I think that this is the first time I have not burnt any of the pancakes.
Finally at 7:30, the kitchen was swept and mopped, the dishes were done, the table set, and I could not wait any longer! I went through the house turning on lights and pulling back covers.
My mom really appreciated having breakfast made for her, but no one else seemed to care.
The worm, as I found this morning, has to wake up really early in order to have food for the bird/birds to eat. The worm either gets paid a lot of money or really loves the birds. I am so grateful that I have a mom that wakes up early to make breakfast and then continues through out the day providing various things to my family and I so that we are happy.
6 days ago