A friend said that she wanted to know what I have been up to lately because we haven't spoken in a while. I haven't talked with a few people lately because I really have been busy. Firstly, school...

I am taking 16 credit hours which just so happens to be six classes. My schedule is as follows: Mon- 9am-American Heritage, 10- ENGL 295 (literary criticism), 11- ENGL 251 (I am not really sure what this class is called to be honest; I just looked at the syllabus and it doesn't say.)
Tue- 9am- Book of Mormon part 2, 10-MUSC 113 (Piano!), 11-Devotional (this is not a class, but I try to make it mandatory for myself.) Then Britta and I go SWKT golfing.
Wed-same as Monday. But Chelsea (my roommate) and I go early and buy a bagel before American Heritage.
Thurs- same as Tuesday except for the devotional.
Fri- 8am!-American Heritage lab, 10-EGNL 295, 11- ENGL 251.
So I guess I don't have that much to do as far a school goes, but then I have...
A new calling at church. (We are asked, by the bishop, the one who leads the ward/congregation, to serve in various positions.) I was asked to be the second counselor in the Relief Society presidency. This means that I help the president look after the girls and make sure they are all doing alright and I will teach a few lessons on different Sundays. Also, as the second counselor it is my responsibility to plan (with a small committee) various activities. It just so happens that the first activity is tomorrow. At first it looked like the date of the activity was going to have to be pushed back, but miraculously things all worked out and the activity is going to take place as planned (actually a day early). But it was by no means my doing. I am really excited because we are having a guest speaker come and speak about finding our inner beauty. I coordinated a brief dinner before the activity for the presidency, the bishop and his wife, and the speaker, who happens to be the mom of one of the girls. Along with the planning of the activity I decided to make some cookies for desert. Thankfully, Hannah, the secretary in the Relief Society presidency, offered to help me make two different kinds of cookies this afternoon...
This picture actually makes it look like the cookie doesn't taste so yummy, but it was just kind of hot. We ended up eating a few too many I am afraid. Tomorrow, Brooke, my roommate, and I will be making some fruity pebble crispy things and Peanut butter Cheese Brownie Babes (which are little peanut butter cheesecakes on top of brownies). I also am going to attempt to make meatballs to go with the spaghetti for the dinner. I have never really made these meatballs and I probably shouldn't be experimenting for this dinner, but it just worked out that way...so I guess we will see how it goes.
I have found that I am a lot more comfortable because I know more people. We are starting to make some plans and hopefully we go through with them. For example, yesterday we organized a small flash mob. We all decided that at ward prayer (a little Sunday activity where we all get together; someone shares a talent, then there is a spiritual thought, and then we all kneel down and someone prays just like we are a big family and we are at home). It actually turned out pretty good, sorry no pictures or videos. What happened was one person jumped up out of no where and called out the first line of a little kids' song, "I looked out the window and what did I see?" then the rest of us, who had scattered ourselves out among the group, jumped up and sang, "popcorn popping on the apricot tree." This makes perfect sense to a group of people who grew up singing the song, but I guess it sounds a little odd to someone who has never heard the song. We did get an applause though, which was pretty exciting. I think we might have started something new... we will see.
I am also trying to get a little ahead in my school work because I am flying home for two days this week! I am so excited to see my family again and to spend a little time at home even if it is just two days. I can't wait to give some hugs and see how much everyone has grown since the month that I last saw them.