(A view of Down town Salt Lake City from Ensign Peak)
So far I have been on two hikes since coming back to Utah. That's two more than all of last year so I guess I am off to a good active start.
Tomorrow marks the second week I have been back, but it doesn't feel like I have been here that long. I am so luck to have my sister and her husband, Trevor, who have graciously opened up their spare room for me to stay until I am able to move into my apartment. It is, however, a long commute by bus from Holladay to Provo. Five hours round trip if I am lucky enough to catch an express bus. Believe it or not all of the commuting and the job searching is really wearing me out. I would have never guessed that travel could make me so tired? I can't help, but wonder how much easier things would be if I had brought my car...
Other than job searching like a chicken with her head cut off and trying to get used to the altitude, I don't feel like I have done too much, which is a little depressing because at the end of the day I still don't have a job and I am just another day closer to school starting and the list of things to pay for is just building. I have decided that it doesn't matter as much what the job is, but having one that is important. I have a few calls to make and a few emails to send out (actually what I was supposed to be doing before I got distracted) and hopefully something works out.

(My ponytail that hopefully will be much enjoyed by a little girl)
Kamber helped me out with this one... the day after I arrived I mentioned that I have been wanting to donate my hair to Lock Of Love. She grabbed her bag and went to work. I didn't cry! But I am still trying to get used to the short hair.
Well I suppose it's time for me to get back to the job search...