The table was set at Grandma and Grandpa Brown's house. Before the food and cousins arrived, it was quite and I was able to sit back and think about all the things and people that I have been blessed to have. I really am such a lucky girl!
I have one of the best families ever! Parents that love each other and their children. Both of whom will drop everything to help make our dreams come true. I have an older sister who has been my best friend since I was born. She has recently taken me under her wing and bought me whatever I have said I needed. Since moving out of the house (temporally), I have really come to miss my brothers who seemed to be so annoying. I miss: Calvin's companionship, Colten's exotic cooking, Katelyn's creative mind, Kelcey's constant interest, and Klarie's little self. I am thankful that I have a phone that allows me to talk to at least one of them on a daily basis. I am thankful that I am going to fly home to them over the Christmas break. I am thankful for the friends that I will get to see. I am thankful that those friends have kept in touch with me. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to be away at such a prestige school to gain a higher education. I am thankful for the friends that I have made here and the fun times that we have shared. And their willingness to want to know me. I am thankful for the things that I am learning and for the opportunity to grow and become a better person. I am thankful for the people who have been their to teach me and set an example for me that have made me the person that I am today. I am thankful for the challenges that I have on a daily basis because they are shaping who I am. I am thankful for the body I have and the opportunity to take care of it. I am thankful for my Savior who has not only suffered for my mistakes and those that I will make, but for everyone that has lived and everyone that will. And I am thankful for my knowledge of this.
Funny how when during dinner all I could muster to say that I was thankful for was that I had the opportunity to be at BYU because I could not say anything else without crying. And I could not do that at dinner.

(top left: Camille, Me, Britta, Tara, Cynthia, Brooke, Tia, Amy, Kaitlin. Bottom left: Shaylah, Natalie, Mikayla, Rachel, and Lindsey.)
This was a building activity (not a good turn out, but lots of fun) called journals and Julius. We decorated little notebooks and made them our gratitude journals. And yes there were homemade Orange Julius drinks! Yummy! It's a good thing that I have a lot to be thankful for because I have a gratitude journal that I need to fill.

(Mine is on the left and the right one is Britta's.)
I chose numbers because I am counting my blessings...and because I liked the colorful numbers. I liked the stamp "Happy me", and thought that it would help me remember to be happy with what I was given. I also liked the way that Britta decorated her journal, the bird is a nice touch.

I made sure that I left the 3's for the back so that I wouldn't cover them up. Then I used some glitter glue to make them stick out a little. I guess I need to get writing.