(I am not sure how to fix the pictures, but if you click on them then you can see the whole picture and in this case me.) I don't know very much about football. In fact a few times during the game I have to ask some knowledgeable person around me "What just happened?" I do know a little though. Like being there the third row from the in zone is even pretty much awesome!

(yes I snapped this picture right as they scored a touch down!)

After a score the following happens: a cannon is fired by the ROTC (totally taking you off guard and sometimes making your friend throw her phone in surprise), , the scoring team kicks the ball into a net, another cannon is fired (this one a little less of a surprise), the men cheerleaders run around the field holding these big flags while the whole stadium (except for the fans from the other team) sings the school's fight song. Rise, all loyal Cougars
And hurl your challenge to the foe.
We will fight, day or night,
Rain or snow.
Loyal, strong and true,
Wear the White and Blue.
As we sing, get set to spring.
Come on Cougars, it's up to you!
So Rise and Shout, the Cougars are out
We're on a trail to fame and glory.
Rise and shout, our cheers will ring out
As we unfold our vict'ry story.
On we go to vanquish the foe
For Alma Mater's sons and daughters.
As we join in song,
In praise of you, our faith is strong.
We'll raise our colors high in the blue
And cheer our Cougars of BYU.
Some cheering and shouting follows and then a couple of ROTC members go to the in zone and do push ups as the crowd counts until they reach the amount of points that their team currently has.
At least this is what happens at BYU football games.

When you are at the game you notice random funny things, like this backpack that somehow got stuck on the net.

The mascots like to do fun things like going crowd surfing up a steep crowd of fans. And lastly, you just have more fun!
PS BYU beat UNLV 55 to 7! I know that is good!
Haha, when I was younger my mom would always sing the BYU fight song to wake me up.