Yesterday was the second day that I went to the Wanda Grey Elementary School playground after school. The boys that I babysit wanted to go to a different park and the elementary just so happened to be the closest one. There were a lot of kids because of the after school program. The boys that I babysit were able to meet up with some of their friends and spend some playtime with kids their age. I sat at a picnic table and wrote. I have to admit that it was very hard to concentrate on what I was doing because there were so many kids. This was a new experience for me. No, not a lot of elementary aged kids, but the at school, or rather after school, setting because I didn't go to elementary school. I found myself wondering which group I would have been playing in. Would I be in the group of girls who were all wearing pink? Or would I be one of the only girls playing tag with the boys? Would elementary school have changed who I am today?
As I sat asking myself these questions, I noticed a cute little boy walking toward me.
"Whacha doin?" He asked as he climbed on to the bench across from me.
"Writing." I wonder what he thought when I said that because I had not been writing when he first started my way I am sure. "What is your name?"
"Dalton. What's yours?" He asked
"Karee, you wanna play with me?"
"Sure," I said closing my notebook. I wasn't going to get anything written anyway.
As he was telling me how to play baby tigers, I could not help noticing how friendly he was. Is this how kids are when they are in kindergarten? Do they just see people who they think need a friend and decide I am going to be their friend. He taught me how to speak tiger and got me food. Within minutes, I had four baby tigers surrounding me. The game of baby tigers did not last very long because they had to go inside, but I had fun. Before Dalton went inside he gave me a hug! It was so cute. He thanked me for playing with him and then he skipped away.
I wish there were more Daltons. Cute, nice, and friendly boys, but my age.
6 days ago
Karee, definitely you would have been with the girls all in pink. Boys, you didn't want anything to do with them at that age. You have a way of creating and playing with children like no other. You get right down on their level and play just like they want you to. Kids love that. Yes, having more Daltons around would be nice, but what about more Karees who get right in and have fun with the kids. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I love you!