Flashlights. Check. Bug spray. Check. Pillow and sleeping bag. Check check. Toothbrush. Check. Camera. Check. Getting ready for a few nights out in the woods has taken me almost all day (it shouldn't but I just found out I was going today). I am not much of a camper, but if it is time that I get to spend with friends I hardly notice those darn bugs. And luckily for me we are going to be staying at a place that most campers would consider a hotel. We will have cabins, a pool, and an AIR CONDITIONED dinner hall (I know where I will be spending most of my time). This will be my fourth time at this camp site and I really like it. I am hoping that the rain cools the temperatures for the week, but last I checked it is supposed to be pretty hot with chances of rain and thunderstorms... hopefully not.

As for right now I will be staying indoors enjoying the book I just started reading,
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, by Lisa See. (I read
Shanghai Girls (another one of her books) and found the Chinese culture to be quite interesting.) I am learning how much the Chinese girls were willing to go through to be considered beautiful and bring their family honor. I never would have thought small broken feet would be a sign of beauty. I am not sure how it will end, but I will blog more about it when I finish along with some camping stories (I am sure I will have plenty).
I want to read that one, too. Macauley and I are going to visit my parents in Arkansas for a few days tomorrow and I am planning a trip to Barnes and Noble...Have fun camping! Thanks again for babysitting.