Yesterday Chelsea and I made dinner together but couldn't find a lid for the pot. Chelsea made a make shift lid with a pan then said, "Yeah we are in college." It has been so fun meeting new people and running around campus. There has been so much to do and so many fun free stuff to get. Last night a whole bunch of people from our apartment building got together for the biggest game of Sardines that I have ever played. It was surprisingly hard to find people even after setting boundaries, that to me seemed too small. After Sardines, a few of the people left over played a fun game of sand volleyball. I have to admit it is a whole lot easier to play when there aren't twelve or more people on each side like there were the night before. I am not sure how school is going to work because I have gotten used to staying out late and hanging out having fun. I have yet to ride the bus and will probably do that sometime today. I have a BBQ at noon to meet up with a few people from my building that I will be going to church with and then a dance for ALL the Freshmen later tonight so I guess I will meet a few more people tonight.
6 days ago
It sounds like you're having a great time. I'm glad you're fitting in well, but that's not to surprising. Your room mates sound pretty cool, and it really looks like you're going to have a great semester. Oh, I sent my first letter a few days ago, so hopefully you get it soon.