Life is busy! Life as a college student, life as a friend, life as a daughter. Though some of my roles are not quite as pressing at this point in my life, I still need to take some time out and to be still. Time Out for Women, is one of these such opportunities. This year the theme was "Choose to Become: Discover your possibilities." This amazing weekend of learning, music and fun is put on by Deseret Book. For those of you who do not know about Deseret Book, it is a LDS (Latter-day Saint) owned and operated book company that I hope to someday write for. This weekend I was able to hear a few really inspiring talks about happiness, beauty, love, friendship and more. All of the lessons that I learned were things I really want to apply to my life and am going to share within the next few weeks.
This is Awesome! You will be an amazing writer :)