Here is the first part of the first chapter. It has taken me longer then I hoped, but I am sure that I will get into the habit pretty quick. Hope you like it.
Too far! 1,293 miles too far! 1,293 miles is how far my parents have gone this time. To think that they had gone behind my back and planned a family trip even though they knew that I had plans for the New Years. Sometimes I wonder if they plan things just to ruin my plans. They knew that I had made plans this for New Years Eve and we have never gone away for the holidays. No, not in all my eighteen years of living with them had they chosen to take the family away for the Christmas season. But when I choose to make some plans to spend time with my friends, it was out with old traditions and in with the new. This year was supposed to be different, but different as in I was supposed end up with Jeremy.
The guy of my dreams. Jeremy is good looking, popular, funny, and perfect in every way. Which makes him the one that every girl wants to be with. Every girl including this one. This girl who may or may not even exist to him. Because I am a girl who has not “gotten around” that much. Not really any at all. I have only been with one guy. The guy that had once broken my heart by asking to be “just friends” and the guy that is now my best friend because I had agreed. I want a change. I want to be with Jeremy. No matter what Thomas says about Jeremy being one of those guys. You know, the ones who only get with girls for one reason. The ones who throws parties that anyone who is some one goes to. The parties that I normally don't get asked to go to. This time he had sent an invitation to me. Maybe it had been an accident that an invitation landed in my mailbox. I just had to go to find out. There was a glint of hope that he knew I existed. He had given me this chance to get with him and I wanted to take it. All that was keeping me away was a party. I just had to go to this party and I would be with him.
But no! My parents destroyed all my hopes of being with Jeremy and now I was stuck in the family SUV. And to make matters worse we are going 30 mph in a 70 zone, because they had chosen to drive straight through a blizzard. Nice one mom and dad! I mean if you are going to plan a trip, plan it! By the way, planning includes considering what the weather is going to be doing on the drive up, making sure that all of the people don't have other plans, and finally following through with the plan. Well you suck at planning! Cause we we are driving through a blizzard, I had plans, and we left a day later then you “planned” . Three strikes, and you are out! All you planned was which way we were going to take,which shouldn't really count because you are thinking that we should go a different way to try to get to better weather. You did follow through with one part of the plan though, making me miserable. That is only one out of five. That twenty percent will not get you very far if you are planning on taking any more of these quick Christmas get-aways. I am not sure that twenty percent is enough to get us there this time.
Sitting here blinking away tears as I stare at the frozen fields slowly pass by, I can only think of one thing, everything that I am going to miss. The party, my friends, the comfort of my own bed every night, a traditional Christmas, and Jeremy. This party was going to be my one and only chance I was ever going to get with Jeremy. When he came up to me, smiled, and said, “I will see you at the New Years Eve party on Thursday night.” I knew there was a bit of him that wanted me as much as I wanted him. I didn't tell him that I would not see him Thursday night, but I didn't say that I would either. All I could manage was a I smile and a shy OK. I would have never been able to keep myself from crying in front of him if I would have tried to explain that I would not be there for him to kiss the very minute that the new year started. Not unless he was planning on following my family and I up to Utah for the holidays. Which he isn't. Anyone who is willing to drive almost thirteen hundred miles to come and see me, would surely prove his love. He is not that type and it would never happen to me. Not now. Not ever.
This trip may have just started, but it is already become an unbearable pain. It is like my heart is being torn apart. I am being taken away from people I love by people who love me. Maybe what hurts the most, the fact that the people who love me, don't understand what I want. Nor do they seem to care about finding out. They seem to be on a one way track to get where they want to be, even if they have to drag me with them thirteen hundred miles to get there.
6 days ago
Good story line. It seems so familiar so far. I am beginning to see some frustrations you had while you were on that trip. Thanks for being a good sport about it. I hope you created some good memories. When is the next part of your book coming?