We wore our rubber boots so we could walk in the water to get rocks without getting our feet wet.
After a while, we found that Klarie, my youngest sister had a hole in her boot. Water had gotten in through the hole and she would not stop complaining about how cold her feet were. We found a big rock to sit on and took off her boots. Come to find out her right sock was completely soaked through.
I took off my socks and slipped them one to her feet. Then we put some plastic, from a snack that we had brought, around the sock to protect it from getting wet again. We fastened the plastic to her sock (well my sock) with a band aid that Katelyn, another sister, had brought. It looked kinda funny, but warmed her feet and kept them dry, so she was happy.
There were a few times that the water was too deep for my youngest sisters to cross so I would carry them across. One time I tried to help Kelcey jump across a deep part. That plan was not thought out very well because she ended up splashing icy cold water on everyone and she got soaked.
Aside from getting cold and wet, I guess the adventure was a success for my sisters because each came home with at least fifteen rocks each. As for me, I was just glad to be home. Home where it is dry, warm, and I have socks again.
Awesome, Karee! I love that you've added pictures and that you seem to be getting into the habit of posting about life as you know it regularly. You are such a giving and nurturing sister. I'm up late working on stuff for the online class I'm teaching, hoping for a snow day tomorrow so I can get my house and laundry and life organized for the week after being gone to KC this weekend. But I don't know that the snow will come through for us. Stay warm and I'll see you when I see you!